• GPR 1600/2600/3100

    Percent and PPM O2 Monitoring in Bulk Gases
    Ons assortiment zuurstofanalysatoren is ontworpen om gas te bewaken dat wordt geproduceerd of gebruikt in industriële processen waar zuurstofspoor van lage deeltjes per miljoen tot pure O2 nauwkeurig moet worden gemeten. Door gebruik te maken van de hoogwaardige galvanische zuurstofsensoren van AII zijn deze geavanceerde instrumenten eenvoudig te gebruiken met een gemeenschappelijke HMI en menustructuur voor het hele bereik. Operators hoeven slechts één instrument te leren voor meerdere gasanalysetoepassingen bij verschillende zuurstofniveaus. Verkrijgbaar als bench-, 19 "rack-, panel- en wandmontage voor flexibele installatie.
  • AII GPR-1200/3500

    Gemakkelijke tracering en meting van zuivere zuurstof
    De zeer nauwkeurige draagbare zuurstofanalysatoren van Analytical Industries zijn bedoeld voor toepassingen die op verschillende gedefinieerde meetpunten moeten worden gecontroleerd. Het GPR-3500-model heeft een compacte, robuuste behuizing en bevat roestvrijstalen onderdelen die in contact komen met de vloeistof, geïntegreerde debietmeters en naaldventielen. Het meet de zuiverheid voor inerte gassen, kooldioxide en zuurstof. De GPR-1200 compacte draagbare zuurstofanalyser voor sporen heeft een 4-wegklep die een gasmonster in de sensor opvangt. Dit maakt snellere zuurstofmeettijden mogelijk bij het verplaatsen van punt naar punt in een proces en beschermt ook sporenzuurstofsensoren tegen voortijdige uitputting als gevolg van blootstelling aan omgevingszuurstofniveaus om hun levensduur te verlengen. Dit alles zorgt voor een zuinige werking en lage eigendomskosten voor deze toonaangevende reeks draagbare zuurstofanalysers.
  • GPR-1000/1100/2000/ 3500 MO

    Voor steekproeven ter plaatse van PPM tot 100% zuurstof
    Deze robuuste draagbare instrumenten zijn geschikt voor sporen zuurstofmetingen van 0,1 ppm tot zuiverheid toepassingen bij 100% zuurstof en delen dezelfde geavanceerde sensortechnologie als de online proces zuurstof analysatoren, waardoor u kunt vertrouwen op hun betrouwbaarheid en nauwkeurigheid. Het concept van Analytical Instruments, waarbij dezelfde HMI en menustructuren worden gebruikt voor draagbare en online analysers, maakt het voor operators uiterst eenvoudig om beide soorten instrumenten op hun locatie te gebruiken zonder dat er extra training nodig is.
  • MMS-NG

    1 pg absolutely or 0.1 ng/m³
    Automatic systemdesigned for continuous mercury monitoring in natural gas even in hazardous zones (ATEX, IEC-Ex)
    Each mercury on-line system will differ in sample characteristics as well as installation conditions and operating environment. We have the experience to design systems that fully meet the requirements of your particular mercury monitoring task.
  • SM-4 mobile

    Easily demountable continuous emissions monitor (CEM) for mercury
    Technically identical to the SM-4, this device is ideal for mercury determination at varying sites. The SM-4 Mobile by Mercury Instruments has been developed on the basis of the well proven SM-4 mercury stack gas monitor. Its measurement principle and technique, its thermocatalytic reactor, the detector and the sample probe are identical with those of the stationary SM-4.
  • SM-4

    Continuous emissions monitor for mercury (CEM), Low measuring range is 0.05 µg/m³
    QAL 1 certified for continuous, accurate and reliable measurement of total mercury emissions, even in very low concentrations and within complex matrices (SO2, NOx, HCl, etc.) With over 20 years experience, Mercury Instruments (part of ENVEA Group) were the first to develop mercury monitors and mercury analyzers using a dry thermocatalytic method instead of wet chemistry. The SM-4 Mercury Monitor is QAL1 certified and is ready to meet future regulatory requirements (Minamata convention & European directives for thermal power plants and incinerators).
  • SM-3

    Continuous emissions monitor for mercury (CEM), Range 1 to 45; 0 to 75; 0 to 500 µg/m³ Hg
    The SM-3 mercury analyzer measures continuously the elemental, bound and ionic mercury in stack fluegas
    The operating principle of the SM-3 is based on a completely new technique: mercury compounds cracking and the reduction of ionic mercury contained in stack gas is performed applying the thermocatalytic method.  Wet chemical sample gas treatment using reagents and bubblers is avoided. Maintenance and servicing of the SM-3 are therefore extremely easy. 
  • In-situ zirconia oxygen gas analysers

    Fast response (4–7 seconds)
    Optimization of combustion efficiency and compliance with environmental standards Ideal for combustion control in boilers, incinerators and furnaces. Lowering CO₂, SOx, and NOx emissions while saving energy This oxygen analyser is used to continuously measure oxygen concentration in combustion exhaust gas of industrial boilers or furnaces, and is ideally suited for combustion management and control, such as garbage incinerators and smallest to largest sized boilers, as combustion controllers, achieving a significant energy-saving effect.
  • Hydrogen Analysers

    Thermal Conductivity Gas Analyser ZAF and ZAFE
    Reliable process control for furnaces, metal industry, semiconductor and gas separation. The analyser continuously measures the concentration of gases such as H2, He, and Ar with high stability. It is also available in a version for hazardous areas (for countries outside the European Union): ZAFE certified Ex NEPSI.
  • ATEX in-situ oxygen analysers

    Ex-proof in situ zirconia oxygen analyzer for combustion control
    Ex-proof in situ zirconia oxygen analyzer for combustion control
    The oxygen measurement enables the control of burner fuel/air ratios to ensure combustion efficiency and process safety. Fuji Electric O2 Analyser is adapted to be installed in hazardous areas and to withstand critical environments as:
    • Refinery process heaters
    • Petrochemical reactor furnaces
    • Industrial large scale boilers
  • ZRE

    5 gas NDIR analyser - Single beam
    Compact and easy to use Excellent stability over time No influence of humidity on the measurement Automatic calibration, communication and alarms Simultaneous and continuous measurement of the concentration of 5 gases: CO - CO2 - NO - NOX - SO2 - CH4 - O2
  • ZKJ

    5 components analyser - NDIR dual beam

    Ideal for controlling polluting emissions

    Uses a highly sensitive mass flow meter as a detector. Simultaneous and continuous measurement of 5 gases : CO2  -  CO  -  CH4  -  NOX  -  SO2  -  O2  -  NO  -  N2O
  • The Protea 2000 emissions monitoring system is approved forthe analysis of exhaust gases from the engines and boilers of ships and offshore rigs. Robust and with proven reliability, up to six gases can be measured including SO2,CO2 The Protea 2000 emissions monitoring system comprises up to 8 exhaust mounted analysers, each with automatic verification facilities. Emissions data from the entire system is securely managed and displayed at a dedicated Classification Society approved panel PC, with outputs to networks, control systems, and reporting facilities.
  • ProMass Transportable

    Draagbare Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (QMS) analyser
    For use in the field, ProMass can be provided in a rugged mobile case. With a vacuum start-up in less than 40mins, ProMass can be deployed quickly. Using either the simple PAS-Pro software for unattended operation, or the more complex PAS software for investigation work, ProMass Transportable can give real-time, wide range measurements of any gas.
    • Leak testing (sniffer mode)
    • Syngas analysis
    • Environmental testing
    • Dissolved gas analysis (with membrane inlet)
    • Gas impurity testing
  • Ideally suited to semiconductor production processes, ambient air measurements, leak testing and quality testing for the food industry, the 19” mountable ProMass analyser is a complete process tool. ProMass can be provided with fully integrated vacuum system, or for demanding process applications, an external backing pump is provided – particularly for hazardous area applications. Protea will integrate the ProMass analyser with our sampling control system and industrial analyser controller for a complete measurement system. This can be provided to measure from multiple sample locations is quick succession.
  • ProMass Desktop

    closed ion source and 0-200amu range
    Laboratory QMS Gas Analyser For laboratory applications across many fields of research, the ProMass analyser can be provided in a desktop format. With integrated vacuum system – turbo molecular drag pump and diaphragm roughing pump – ProMass can be operated straight away. A heated capillary of various materials (stainless steel, PEEK, PTFE, borosilicate) is provided included with temperature control of the capillary. Total pressure gauge, analogue and digital inputs, sample pressure and temperature controlled chamber bake-out are all built-in features to give complete sample control.   ProMass uses Protea’s proven RGA quadrupole mass spectrometer that is provided as standard with dual Faraday/SEM detector, closed ion source and 0-200amu range for the analytically focused applications of the ProMass desktop system.
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