Flue Gas Flow Rate Monitors
Microventuri based continuous monitoring
of flue gas flow rate, pressure and temperature
of flue gas flow rate, pressure and temperature
Designed for tough industrial applications
with highly dusts loaded fl ue gas.
with highly dusts loaded fl ue gas.
Categories: Debietsmeters, Fuji, Gasanalyse, In-situ
Environmental Monitoring:
- Combustion plants
- Incineration
- District Heating
- CEMS in a wide range of industry sectors
Fuji Electric Components
Designed and manufactured by Fuji Electric France :
- FKC very high performance Pressure Transmitters
- Fuji Electric Hardware and Software (option) design
Mounted on small or large diameter stacks.
Only one flange on only one side of the stack.
Perfect for very dusty applications :
- No clogging possible
- Biomass, coal or fuel fired boilers
Turnkey System
One single flange on the stack – Three signals:
- Differential pressure / Velocity
- Static pressure
- Temperature
Gerelateerde producten
LaserGas iQ² Vulcan
Single-flange O2, CO, CH4, H2O analyser -
LaserGas Q CF4
Meet in het mid-infrarood spectrum met lage detectielimiet -
Mini Compressorkoeler type ACC
voor tot maximum 2 gasstromen