• The air purifier CAP 15 and CAP 30 produces clean and hydrocarbon-free air out of normal compressed air. The Pt/Pd-catalyst convert by catalytical total-oxidation at 370°C all hydrocarbons inclusive methane (CH4) into carbondioxyde (CO2) and water (H2O). Hydrogen (H2) and carbonmonoxyde (CO) will be removed quantitatively.The produced air quality ist constantly free of hydrocarbons and better than sythetic air from gas bottles of class 5.0 (refering to organic components).On account of the high gas purity, the air purifier CAP 15/30 are used for FID-measuring systems as combustion air and as zero gas.
  • AII GPR-1200/3500

    Gemakkelijke tracering en meting van zuivere zuurstof
    De zeer nauwkeurige draagbare zuurstofanalysatoren van Analytical Industries zijn bedoeld voor toepassingen die op verschillende gedefinieerde meetpunten moeten worden gecontroleerd. Het GPR-3500-model heeft een compacte, robuuste behuizing en bevat roestvrijstalen onderdelen die in contact komen met de vloeistof, geïntegreerde debietmeters en naaldventielen. Het meet de zuiverheid voor inerte gassen, kooldioxide en zuurstof. De GPR-1200 compacte draagbare zuurstofanalyser voor sporen heeft een 4-wegklep die een gasmonster in de sensor opvangt. Dit maakt snellere zuurstofmeettijden mogelijk bij het verplaatsen van punt naar punt in een proces en beschermt ook sporenzuurstofsensoren tegen voortijdige uitputting als gevolg van blootstelling aan omgevingszuurstofniveaus om hun levensduur te verlengen. Dit alles zorgt voor een zuinige werking en lage eigendomskosten voor deze toonaangevende reeks draagbare zuurstofanalysers.
  • Aerosolfilter type AFP

    voor filtreren van vloeibare deeltjes

    The Ankersmid fluid particle filter or coalescence filter is suitable for filtration of fluid particles of all types and is recommended for sample gases with an acid dew point above 100 °C. Application examples are measurements in flue gas of heavy oil and black coal combustions.

    The filter separates the aerosols (very fine fluid particles) which still pass the gas cooler. The most effective position of the filter is downstream the sample conditioning close to the flow meter of the analyser. For additional system protection we provide the version with integrated hydrophobic diaphragm, working as a liquid stop.

  • Adsorptiefilter type AAM

    voor adsorptie van interfererende componenten

    Ankersmid Universal Filters are known as a reliable technique for the adsorption of components in a gas stream that cause interferences in the gas measurement.

    The design of the filter and filter housing ensures that any liquids present in the gas will be separated and collected in the bottom of the filter-housing.

    The AAM series are based on the elements of the AUF universal filter series.

    Due to its universal standard design, the filters can be used with various adsorption cartridges and, if needed, also be fitted with a liquid sensor.

  • 2900M Online Monitor & Control System

    YSI 2900 Biochemistry Analyzer with YSI 2960 Online Monitor and Control System.
    The YSI 2900M Online Monitoring & Control System featuring the YSI 2960 Online Sampler is a key and reliable partner for the monitoring and optimization of your bioprocess. The YSI 2960 Online Sampler automatically draws fluids from your bioreactor and delivers samples directly to the YSI 2900 Biochemistry Analyzer for testing. Sampling is done aseptically as lines are flushed and antiseptic is kept in them after each draw. The system supports connection with RS232, Ethernet, and OPC. The YSI 2900M Online Monitoring & Control System provides a simple and reliable solution for running your bioprocess automatically with little risk of contamination.
  • 1080

    Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer
    Total organic carbon (TOC) measurement is a well-established technique that provides valuable information about water quality for process control and regulatory compliance. Though high-temperature combustion TOC has been shown to be very effective for the analysis of samples that are of high molecular weight or contain substantial amounts of salt or difficult-to oxidize organics (e.g, humic acid), these types of samples are problematic for combustion TOC analyzers.    
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