A superior analytical solution for your HB LED needs

The ALOHA H2O moisture analyzer provides High-Brightness LED makers with the exceptional detection limits, accuracy, reliability, speed of response and ease of operation that Tiger Optics customers have come to expect. Manufacturers of HB LEDs rely on Tiger Optics’ family of proven Continuous-Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy-based moisture sensors to ensure the ammonia gas used in the process are of the high quality necessary to produce the best performing LEDs. The ALOHA H2O analyzer is extremely cost-effective, utilizing a very compact analyzer design. Users can measure moisture in ammonia and inerts. There are no off-line periodic sensor maintenance procedures, no span calibrations, no purifier replacement and no pump rebuilds required. The ALOHA H2O is fully selfcalibrating and the “bright” choice for your detection needs!


Designed for trace moisture in ammonia analysis, the ALOHA H2O offers:

  • 10 parts per billion (ppb) moisture detection capability in ammonia (NH3)
  • Absolute measurement (freedom from calibration)
  • Extremely low cost of ownership
  • Great ease of use
  • Wide dynamic range—over four orders of magnitude
  • Unprecedented speed of response
  • Clean technology

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