All LINSEIS thermo analytical instruments are PC controlled. The individual software modules exclusively run under Microsoft® Windows® operating systems. The complete software consists of 3 modules: temperature control, data acquisition and data evaluation. The 32 bit software incorporates all essential features for measurement preparation, execution, and evaluation of a STA measurement. Thanks to our specialists and application experts, LINSEIS was able to develop comprehensive easy to understand user friendly application software.

General Features
- Program capable of text editing
- Data security in case of power failure
- Thermocouple break protection
- Repetition measurements with minimum parameter input
- Evaluation of current measurement
- Curve comparison up to 32 curves
- Storage and export of evaluations
- Export and import of data ASCII
- Data export to MS Excel
- Multi-methods analysis (DSC TG, TMA, DIL, etc.)
- Zoom function
- 1 and 2 derivation
- Programmable gas control
- Statistical evaluation package
- Free scaling
TG – Features
- Mass change as % and mg
- Rate Controlled Mass Loss
- Evaluation of mass loss
- Residue mass evaluation
HT-DSC – Features
- Glass transition temperature
- Curve subtraction
- Complex peak evaluation
- Multipoint calibration for sample temperature
- Multipoint calibration for change of enthalpy
- Cp calibration for heat flow
- Signal-steered measuring procedures
Applications example: Coal gasification
Example of Coal Sample being gasified under CO2 Atmosphere. Experimental Conditions: 20 bar N2during heating, 10 bar CO2 during gasification.

Applications example: Coal gasification in CO2 Atmosphere unter 20 bar pressure
This application shows a typical measurement of a Charcoal gasification under Carbon Dioxide atmosphere at a pressure of 20 bar.