- extractive optic dust concentration measurement
- measurement in wet, sticky exhaust gas conditions
- optical dust sensor
- suitability tested according to EN 15267-3 (QAL1)
- approved for installations according to IED
The measuring gas is sampled by a temperature-controlled
probe, conveyed to a measuring cell and continuously
diluted and dried with hot and dust-free ambient
For dust measurement, based on optical scattered light
measurement, a laser lance unit in the measuring cell
is streamed with the conditioned measuring air.
In the electronics of the operating unit the signal of the
optical unit is converted to an equivalent dust signal.
• relatively small required space
• compact device → only 1 sample fitting with
integrated or separated return fitting necessary
• display option in mg/m³ by input of calibration
• isokinetic gas sampling possible
Preconditions on Site
• ambient temperature: -20…+50 °C
• relative humidity: max. 90% (non-condensing)
• location free of percussion
• installation place with run-in/run-out zone of min.
5-fold/2-fold length of duct diameter