ProtIR 204M

The 204M is a transportable CEM based on FTIR technology. Using the 204M for measurements of waste incineration and combustion plant process is as simple using an FTIR can be. With pre-loaded calibration methods for 28 gas species, automatic nitrogen purging, in-built pressure and temperature alarms, analogue and digital I/O it is a complete site-ready back up CEM.

The ProtIR 204M and PAS software have been designed to allow stack emission monitoring to be carried out to the Environment Agency’s Technical Guidance Note M22 Measuring stack gas emissions using FTIR instruments (TGN M22) as simply and quickly as possible. With the built-in Standard Analysis Model for common gases there is no complex set-up of analysis required. The software as built-in calculations for drift and residual analysis, following the methods described in TGN M22.

Skilled users of the FTIR can use the chemometric building routines of the PAS software to build analytical methods for specific applications. Set up this way, the 204M can measure thousands of possible gas species over ranges from ppm to %Vol.

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