• T-Flens oplossing

    Voor montage van twee LaserGas™ III (Ultra) analysatoren op één enkel paar flenzen
    De T-flensoplossing van NEO Monitors is ontworpen om twee LaserGas™ III (Ultra)-analysatoren op één paar flenzen te plaatsen. Dit maakt metingen met lange optische padlengtes mogelijk, terwijl de benodigde ruimte en installatiekosten worden verminderd. Door het compacte ontwerp zijn de spoelvereisten zeer laag, wat de bedrijfskosten verlaagt. Dankzij een zeer configureerbaar ontwerp kan de T-flensoplossing eenvoudig worden aangepast aan verschillende configuraties en toepassingen; individuele analysers kunnen eenvoudig worden vervangen. De certificeringen van de respectievelijke analysers, b.v. EX-d of SIL2 blijven behouden bij gebruik in de T-flensoplossing. Een typische toepassing is verbrandingsanalyse waarbij de T-Flange in combinatie met een LaserGas™ III O2 en een LaserGas™ III CO Ultra de perfecte oplossing is voor procesoptimalisatie en veiligheid.
  • ZPA

    5 components analyser - NDIR single beam

    ZPA is best suited to the measurement of exhaust gas from refuse incinerators, boilers, and various industrial furnaces.

    NO, SO2, CO2, CO, CH4 Non-dispersion infrared-ray absorption methodSingle  light  source  and  single  beams  (single  beam system) O2 : Galvanic fuel cell O2 analyzer (built-in) paramagnetic O2 analyzer (built-in), or zirconia O2 analyzer (externally installed TYPE: ZFK7)
  • Fuji Electric Extractive Gas Analyzers for process control and continuous measurement of stack emissions. Their QAL1 certification guarantees high performance and regulatory and normative compliance. Reliable and precise, their design quality guarantees 24-hour operation in difficult environments such as smoke from industrial chimneys. Robustness reduces maintenance costs and increases the availability of boilers and equipment. Extractive measurement consists of taking a gas flow from the chimney or the gas pipe via a sampling probe and conveying it to the gas analyzer. The gas is sampled, treated in order to ensure optimal conditions for gas measurement.
  • Microventuri based continuous monitoring of flue gas flow rate, pressure and temperature
    Designed for tough industrial applications with highly dusts loaded fl ue gas.
  • Flue Gas Humidity Monitors Delta-O2

    In-situ or extractive O2 + H2O monitors
    Continuous measurement of humidity in highly dusts loaded flue gas through dry and wet zirconia oxygen measurements. In-situ or extractive O2 + H2O monitors depending on the application. Perfect for combustion control of biomass boilers : industrial boilers, district heating.
    O2 DRY  -  O2 WET -  H2O
  • iFiD NMHC

    The stationary Flame-Ionisation-Detector
    The stationary Flame-Ionisation-Detector (FID) iFiD NMHC measures with its built in NMHC Cutter the methane concentration and parallel in a second channel also the THC in a wide range of applications like stack gas emissions monitoring, ambient air monitoring, thermal reactor and combustor emissions monitoring and also vehicle exhaust gases. The monitoring is continous with a high accuracy, sensitivity and stability. All components which come in contact with sample are fully heated at 200°.
  • iFiD NMHC Mobile

    The stationary Flame-Ionisation-Detector

    19" RackFlame-Ionisation-Detector iFiD Rack for continuous monitoring

    The stationary Flame-Ionisation-Detector (FID) iFiD RACK is designed for stack monitoring, process control and also for VOC measurement. The whole gaspath is heated to 300°C and so we can speak from a Hightemperature-FID.
  • LaserInspect CIMO4

    All-in-one controle paneel voor de LaserGas™ familie
    NEO Monitors’ LaserInspect™ CIMO4 gives the operator the opportunity to remotely operate up to 4 LaserGas™ analyzers from the same display*. The operator have full status overview in an instance of all instruments and is able to perform maintenance tasks directly from the panel. This HMI is designed for the NEO Monitors LaserGas™ family and can easily be integrated into a cabinet. * Separate Ethernet switch is required to operate multiple analyzers
  • Portable Multicomponent IR Analyzer

    CO, CO2, CH4, CnHm,O2, H2 + BTU index (gas calorific value)
    The analyzers can measure the concentration of multiple gases simultaneously. It is based on the single source dual-beam non-dispersion infrared (NDIR) method for CO, CO2 , CH4 , CnHm, H2S , SO2 and a micro-TCD (Thermal Conductivity Detector) gas sensor for H2 and O2 by fuel cell method. The analyzers have a digital pulsable infrared source and dual-beam systems
  • The analyzers can measure the concentration of multiple gases simultaneously. It is based on the single source dual-beam non-dispersion infrared (NDIR) method for CO, CO2 , CH4 , CnHm, H2S , SO2 and a micro-TCD (Thermal Conductivity Detector) gas sensor for H2 and O2 by fuel cell method. The analyzers have a digital pulsable infrared source and dual-beam systems
  • Paramagnetic O2 Analyzer

    0-100%, freely settable by input of parameters
    The APA analysers are suitable and reliable instruments for monitoring oxygen concentrations in various gas analytical control applications including flue gas-, inert gas-, fermentation processes- and process or laboratory control measurements. All analysers are temperature controlled instruments which have been designed for continuous measurements of oxygen concentrations in particle-free and dry sample gas. The analysers are reliable and easy-to-operate instruments. The measuring value and the sample flow through the measuring cell are displayed on the digital display. 2 alarm relays and 1 malfunction relay are available. Sample gas connections as well as connectors for incomi ng power supply, output signals are located at the rear panel of the analyser. The sample gas enters the analyser passing a protective fine-filter which is installed in the front-panel (not for APA 200). An atmospheric pressure sensor is implemented so that the actual absolute barometric pressure can be sent via RS232 and used for calculation or analysis purposes.
  • Portable Paramagnetic O2 Analyzer

    0-100%, freely settable by input of parameters
    The APA analysers are suitable and reliable instruments for monitoring oxygen concentrations in various gas analytical control applications including flue gas-, inert gas-, fermentation processes- and process or laboratory control measurements. All analysers are temperature controlled instruments which have been designed for continuous measurements of oxygen concentrations in particle-free and dry sample gas. The analysers are reliable and easy-to-operate instruments. The measuring value and the sample flow through the measuring cell are displayed on the digital display. 2 alarm relays and 1 malfunction relay are available. Sample gas connections as well as connectors for incomi ng power supply, output signals are located at the rear panel of the analyser. The sample gas enters the analyser passing a protective fine-filter which is installed in the front-panel (not for APA 200). An atmospheric pressure sensor is implemented so that the actual absolute barometric pressure can be sent via RS232 and used for calculation or analysis purposes.
  • The UT-3000 Ng mobile is specifically designed to measure ultratrace amounts of mercury in natural gas at differing sites. The system, for example, thus allows to monitor the efficiency of different Mercury Removal Units (MRUs) in natural gas processing plants.
  • MMS

    Measuring ranges from 0.01 μg/m³ to 2000 μg/m³ Hg
    The MMS system basically comprises a multiplexer-valve unit and the highly accurate and selective mercury detector VM-3000 Vapor Monitor. A bypass pump maintains a steady flow of sample through the sample filters, sample lines and multiplexer valves. Flow meters with optical alarm sensors guarantee that flow rates are stable. All components are installed inside a protective cabinet.
  • GPR-7100

    Kosteneffectieve monitoring van waterstofsulfide niveaus
    De GPR-7100 is een draagbare H2S-analyser-versie die bij voorkeur wordt gebruikt voor het ter plaatse controleren van het proces of tijdelijk gebruik tijdens onderhoud of inbedrijfstelling van een permanente gasanalysator. Deze geavanceerde instrumenten van AII zijn goedgekeurd voor gebruik in ontvlambare gasstromen.
  • GPR-7500

    Kosteneffectieve monitoring van waterstofsulfide niveaus
    De GPR-7500-analyser maakt gebruik van de elektrochemische sensortechnologie met laag vermogen om een ​​kosteneffectieve en gemakkelijk te onderhouden online-installatie waterstofsulfide meting in een klein pakket te bieden.
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